Examples of Payment instrument in a sentence
We will cancel funds made available to Recipients by way of cash collection if they are not validly collected within 60 calendar days of when they were first made available and to the extent possible, refund the amounts to the Payment Instrument used to send the payment (further subject to the timings and conditions set by our payment processing partners).
A photocopy of the Payment Instrument is not an acceptable substitute for an imprint.
The merchant will never submit to Paynovate a Payment Transaction initiated in the absence of the holder of the Payment Instrument or the Payment Instrument (e.g. telephone or mail orders, e-commerce, mobile commerce) unless Paynovate explicitly authorizes, as set forth in the Purchase Order, or any subsequent document.
With respect to any Settled Transaction or Conveyed Transaction for which a Payment Instrument is not physically presented, such as in any on-line, mail, telephone, pre- authorized or recurring Transaction, you must (i) have notified us on your application or otherwise in writing of your intention to conduct such Transactions and secured our agreement to accept them; and (ii) have appropriate procedures in place to ensure that each Transaction is made to a purchaser who actually is the Customer.
If the Payment Instrument you used to pay for the original Transaction is no longer valid and we are unable to find a mutually acceptable solution, we are under no obligation to make the refund.