PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. City, at City’s election, may conduct, or cause to be conducted, advertising, promotional and public relations program for the general purpose of promoting the name and identity of the Airport and the concession business conducted in the Airport. If City elects to do so, City will determine in its sole discretion the composition and manner of implementation of that program, and Tenant must participate in promotions, advertising and public relations, and cause its store manager to attend promotional program meetings. In such event, from and after the Rent Commencement Date (but prorated for any partial month), Tenant must pay to City, as a contribution to the cost of the promotional program, the Promotional Charge, in advance on the first (1st) day of each month during the Term.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. 11.1 Promotional Program ..........................................................................................
12.1 Waiver................................................................................................................. 12.2 Indemnity ............................................................................................................
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. Promotions to positions in the unit must be made on a competitive basis after an evaluation of each individual’s qualifications. Any promotional program for positions within the unit shall provide that qualified employees are given an opportunity to receive fair and appropriate consideration for higher-level positions.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. Section 24.1 The purpose of this procedure is to ensure all employees a fair and equitable opportunity for advancement.
Section 24.2 The goal of this procedure is to identify the most qualified individual for advancement in a demonstrably measured and organized manner.
Section 24.3 Testing and scoring will be administered under the direction of the Chief of Police and monitored by the City’s Chief Human Resources Officer, as provided below. The Chief of Police will outsource the development and testing of all written examinations and/or assessment centers identified in Sections 24.4, 24.5, 24.6, and 24.7.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. Landlord shall provide or cause to be provided a program of advertising and 29 promotional events and services (“Promotional Program”) which, in Landlord’s sole judgment, will serve 30 to promote the Park/Plaza Development. Landlord shall not be obligated to spend more than is actually 31 collected from tenants in providing the Promotional Program. Any promotional services and personnel 32 provided shall be under the exclusive control and supervision of Landlord, who shall have the sole 33 authority to employ and discharge personnel and to establish a budget for the Promotional Program.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. Section 24.1 The purpose of this procedure is to assure all employees a fair and equitable opportunity for advancement. The parties agree to discuss the promotional program in labor/management committee during FY 04-05.
Section 24.2 The goal of this procedure is to identify the most qualified individual for advancement in a demonstrably measured and organized manner.
Section 24.3 Testing and scoring will be administered under the direction of the Chief of Police and the Director of Oklahoma City’s Personnel Department, as provided below. The Chief of Police will out source the development, testing, and scoring of all written examinations and/or assessment centers identified in Sections 24.4, 24.5, 24.6, or 24.7.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. The City shall have the right to make promotions.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. A. The City shall have the right to make promotions.
B. A Patrolman being considered for Sergeant shall be required to have been on the Brigantine Police Force, having completed his probationary period, prior to his consideration.
C. Personnel in the rank of Sergeant, Lieutenant or Captain shall be required to have been in their respective ranks prior to their consideration for the next higher rank.
D. Employees promoted to higher rank shall be considered promoted on the effective date of the promotion and shall be entitled to all compensation and benefits of that rank on the same date.
PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM. WL will provide the Ascent Sales Force with the Promotional Program. The Promotional Program and Promotional Materials will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and the Promotional Program will not require the Ascent Sales Force to do or fail to do any acts which would be in violation of such laws and regulations.