Ped definition

Ped means a unit of soil structure such as blocks, column, granule, plate or prism formed by natural processes.
Ped means a unit of soil structure, such as an aggregate, crumb, prism, block, or granule formed by natural processes.

Examples of Ped in a sentence

  • Xxxxxxxx’s written contract with any such third party must contain provisions obligating the third party to comply with applicable law, with CISP and SDP and DISC and PCIDSS, PA-DSS, PIN and PED security requirements if applicable, and all other Card Association requirements pertaining to confidentiality and security and integrity of Cardholder and Card transaction data, with all rules prohibiting storage of certain Card transaction data, and with all other applicable Operating Rules.

  • Within 35 days of receiving notification of Contractor’s intent to reduce covered services or relocate, the County shall submit, or require Contractor to submit, a DMC certification application to Provider Enrollment Division (PED).

  • The DMC certification application shall be submitted to PED 60 days prior to the desired effective date of the reduction of covered services or relocation.

More Definitions of Ped

Ped means a device used to enter, store and act upon a PIN and which enciphers the PIN within the device.
Ped means a unit of soil structure, such as blocky, granular, prismatic, or platy formed by natural
Ped means the public education department;
Ped means pin entry device;
Ped means a unit of soil structure such as a block, col- umn, granule, plate, or prism formed by natural processes.
Ped means Public Education Department.