Examples of Pedestrian Facility in a sentence
When used in reference to work performed on a Pedestrian Walkway or Existing Curb Ramp means any change to an Existing Pedestrian Facility that affects or could affect its usability.
Yes No If YES, please provide Partnering Agency information and describe the roles of both the lead agency and partners:f.Partnering Agency Name: g.Project Type: Capital/Quick Build: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Capital/Quick Build: Bicycle Facility Only Capital/Quick Build: Pedestrian Facility Only II.
Further information on design criteria of these treatments can be found in the FDOT Design Manual (FDM), Chapter 222 Pedestrian Facility.
An Evaluation of Red Shoulders as a Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility.
The Florida Department of Transportation (Department) has issued this Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit competitive Bids and Proposals from Proposers for Signal and Pedestrian Facility Installations on US 41 at the I-275 interchange in Manatee County, Florida.
Training Materials Pedestrian Facility Design, FHWA-NHI Course 142045, National Highway Institute, 2010.
Marin County Unincorporated Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Master Plan.
Roundabouts shall be evaluated for all new intersection improvements in the City of Hilliard unless the intersection is within a closed loop signal system.4.6.12.C Pedestrian Facility Design.
BEGIN TOP PRIORITY PROJECTSThe entire Spartanburg County Bicycle and Pedestrian Facility Network is described in Chapters 4-6.
University Course on Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation, Lesson 10: Pedestrian Facility Signing and Pavement Markings.