Examples of Percent impervious in a sentence
Percent impervious estimates for the residential/urban landuse categories were used to calculate the total area of impervious residential/urban land in each subwatershed.
Percent impervious estimates for residential/urban landuse categories were used to calculate the total area of impervious residential/urban land in each subwatershed.
Percent impervious 500 surface, human population density, or binary classification as urban versus rural may not capture 501 the specific, causative selection pressures acting on white-footed mouse populations (See Table 502 S5 for environmental data).
The data required for applying the WMM include the following: • Area of all the land use categories and the area served by septic tanks,• Percent impervious area of each land use category,• EMC for each pollutant type and land use category,• Percent EMC of each pollutant type that is in suspended form, and• Annual precipitation, Data Required for Estimating TN Loadings.
Percent impervious is a sensitive parameter in the P8 model, directly influencing the calculated runoff from the watershed.
Data required for WMM application include: • Area of all the landuse categories and the area served by septic tanks • Percent impervious area of each landuse category • EMC for each pollutant type and landuse category • Percent EMC of each pollutant type that is in suspended form • Annual precipitation • Annual baseflow and baseflow concentrations of pollutants • Point source flows and pollutant concentrations.
Percent impervious estimates forresidential/urban landuse categories were used to calculate the total area of impervious residential/urban land in each subwatershed.
Percent impervious data comes from the USGS NLCD dataset, and was derived from 2001 satelite imagery.Data: USGS, City of Milton, TWC.
Potential Risk within a Wellhead SWA Vulnerabilities were explored by relating SWAs to a number of risk factors, such as ▪ Percent impervious cover▪ Presence of sole source aquifers▪ Presence of karst geology▪ Type of surficial geology▪ Degree to which the area relied on septic systems for domestic waste disposal.
Percent impervious ground cover was reevaluated for each minor basin as a part of this phase.