Examples of Performance Credits in a sentence
A key objective of the Agreement is to attain Service Levels with Performance Credits where business is impacted through failure to meet significant mission critical Systems or Services, Critical Milestones or objectives, or when Service performance requirements are not met.
Under TIER, wind projects will continue to generate carbon credits — Emission Offsets and Emission Performance Credits ("EPC") — as they did under the CCIR.
Grading and Academic Performance Credits The number of credits for each course is determined as a part of the course design and approval process.
The Service Level methodology and the identification of Service Levels associated with Performance Credits are detailed in Schedule 3.12 (Service Level Methodology) of the Agreement.
Upon the termination of this Agreement or an Exhibit A, County shall pay to Vendor all undisputed amounts due and payable hereunder, if any, and Vendor shall pay to County all amounts due and payable hereunder, such as Performance Credits and prepaid fees, if any.