Permissible exposure limit definition

Permissible exposure limit means the exposure, inhalation or dermal permissible exposure limit specified in 29 CFR Part 1910, Subparts G and Z.
Permissible exposure limit means a limit of exposure in the workplace determined by the US Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration;
Permissible exposure limit means a ceiling limit or an eight-hour time-weighted average airborne concentration or the maximum exposure limit;

Examples of Permissible exposure limit in a sentence

  • The section on permissible exposure limit (PEL) in the General Industry Standard for asbestos (29 CFR 1910.1001(c)) is deleted and hereby replaced with: Permissible exposure limit (PEL).

  • The Credit Union is not, however, under any obligation to allow an overdraft to be created.

  • Permissible exposure limit (PEL): the Contractor shall ensure that no employee is exposed to an airborne fiber concentration of asbestos in excess of 0.1 f/cc of air as an eight (8) hour time- weighted average (TWA) in accordance with 29 CFR Part 1926.

  • Regulated area means an area, demar- cated by the employer, where an em- ployee’s exposure to airborne con- centrations of chromium (VI) exceeds, or can reasonably be expected to ex-ceed, the PEL.This section means this § 1910.1026 chromium (VI) standard.(c) Permissible exposure limit (PEL).

  • Permissible exposure limit (PEL) levels when the monitoring point is in an area outside an exhausted enclosure, ventilated enclosure or gas cabinet.

  • Regulated area means an area, demar- cated by the employer, where an em- ployee’s exposure to airborne con- centrations of chromium (VI) exceeds, or can reasonably be expected to ex- ceed, the PEL.This section means this § 1910.1026 chromium (VI) standard.(c) Permissible exposure limit (PEL).

  • E xcl u ded f r o m t h i s defi n i t io n a r e a ll o t h e r o r g a n ic le a d co m po un ds.( c) Permissible exposure limit ( PE L).

  • Regulation Inspection Guidance 1926.62(c) Permissible exposure limit (c)(3) The standard permits the use of respiratory protection and the adjustment of employee exposure based on the assigned protection factor of the respiratory protection to achieve compliance with the permissible exposure limit (PEL) only if the employer has complied with 29 CFR 1926.62(e)(1), Engineering and work practice controls and (f), Respiratory protection.

  • Permissible exposure limit and threshold limit value of the substance6.

  • A = Air CARC = Carcinogenic eV = Electron volt U = Unknown IDLH = Immediately dangerous to life or health mg/m3 = Milligram per cubic meter NA = Not available NE = None established PEL = Permissible exposure limit ppm = Part per million REL = Recommended exposure limit S = Soil TLV = Threshold limit value Note: If no contingency level of protection is selected, all employees covered under this plan must evacuate the immediate site area if air contaminant levels require upgrading PPE.

More Definitions of Permissible exposure limit

Permissible exposure limit means the maximum permitted 8-hour time-weighted average concentration of an airborne contaminant (see section 5155).
Permissible exposure limit means the maximum allowable concentration of mineral dust an employee may be exposed to;
Permissible exposure limit means employee exposure, without regard to the use of respirators, to an airborne concentration of lead of 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air (50 ug/m3) averaged over an 8-hour period. If an employee is exposed to lead for more than 8 hours in any work day, the permissible exposure limit, as a time weighted average (TWA) for that day, shall be reduced according to the following formula: Maximum permissible limit (in ug/m3) = 400 divided by hours worked in the day.
Permissible exposure limit or “PEL” means the inhalation or dermal permissible exposure limits of chemical substances specified or referenced in the air contaminants standard tables G-1-A, G-2, and G-3 of R 325.51108.
Permissible exposure limit or “PEL” means “the exposure, inhalation or dermal permissible exposure limit specified in 29 CFR part 1910, subparts G and Z.” 29 C.F.R. § 1910.120(a)(3). As indicated supra, the parties stipulated OSHA’s PEL for ammonia is 50 ppm averaged over an 8-hour workday. (See Jt. Prehearing State. ¶ IV(S)). TECO’s expert opined the exposure level was 18.2 ppm over a time-weighted average of eight hours, which is significantly less than the PEL for anhydrous ammonia. (Tr. 617-18.) She also opined the exposure level at the other ammonia sensors were close to zero given the small amount of anhydrous ammonia released. (Tr. 618.) The Secretary presented no evidence to rebut this expert testimony.

Related to Permissible exposure limit

  • Total Exposure Amount means, on any date of determination (and without duplication), the outstanding principal amount of all Loans, the aggregate amount of all Letter of Credit Outstandings and the unfunded amount of the Commitments.

  • Total Credit Exposure means, as to any Lender at any time, the unused Commitments and Revolving Credit Exposure of such Lender at such time.

  • Unfunded Exposure Equity Amount On any date of determination, an amount equal to the sum, for each Loan, of (a) the Unfunded Exposure Amount for such Loan minus (b) the product of (i) the Unfunded Exposure Amount for such Loan, (ii) the Advance Rate for such Loan and (iii) the Assigned Value of such Loan.

  • Maximum Available Commitment means, subject to the proviso contained in the third sentence of Section 2.02(a), at any time of determination, (a) the Maximum Commitment at such time less (b) the aggregate amount of each Interest Advance outstanding at such time; provided that following a Provider Advance or a Final Advance, the Maximum Available Commitment shall be zero.

  • Aggregate Credit Exposures means, at any time, the sum of (a) the unused portion of each Revolving Credit Commitment then in effect, (b) the unused portion of each Term Commitment then in effect and (c) the Total Outstandings at such time.

  • Unfunded Exposure Amount means, on any date of determination, with respect to any Delayed Funding Term Loan, an amount equal to the aggregate amount of all unfunded commitments associated with such Delayed Funding Term Loan.

  • Aggregate Exposure Percentage with respect to any Lender at any time, the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of such Lender’s Aggregate Exposure at such time to the Aggregate Exposure of all Lenders at such time.

  • Aggregate Revolving Exposure means, at any time, the aggregate Revolving Exposure of all the Lenders at such time.

  • Aggregate Revolver Outstandings means, at any date of determination: the sum of (a) the unpaid balance of Revolving Loans, (b) the aggregate amount of Pending Revolving Loans, (c) one hundred percent (100%) of the aggregate undrawn face amount of all outstanding Letters of Credit, and (d) the aggregate amount of any unpaid reimbursement obligations in respect of Letters of Credit.

  • Aggregate Credit Exposure means, at any time, the aggregate Credit Exposure of all the Lenders at such time.

  • L/C Exposure at any time, the sum of (a) the aggregate undrawn amount of all outstanding Letters of Credit at such time, and (b) the aggregate amount of all L/C Disbursements that have not yet been reimbursed or converted into Revolving Loans at such time. The L/C Exposure of any L/C Lender at any time shall equal its L/C Percentage of the aggregate L/C Exposure at such time.

  • Total Revolving Exposure means, as to any Revolving Lender at any time, the unused Commitments and Revolving Exposure of such Revolving Lender at such time.

  • Aggregate Revolving Credit Exposure means the aggregate amount of the Lenders’ Revolving Credit Exposures.