Permit conditions definition

Permit conditions means operational limits, restrictions, or other guides which have been set by the Health Officer, which govern the operation or emissions of a particular permitted air pollution source.
Permit conditions means the conditions of permit approval including but not limited to:
Permit conditions means the conditions associated with a permit, including the rights, obligations and liabilities of the operator as well as the payment of fees determined by the municipality;

Examples of Permit conditions in a sentence

  • We are satisfied that appropriate management systems and management structures will be in place for this Installation, and that sufficient resources are available to the Operator to ensure compliance with all the Permit conditions.

  • Permit conditions may also be imposed or revised as part of the annual review of the facility by the District pursuant to California Health and Safety Code (H&SC) § 42301(e), through a variance pursuant to H&SC § 42350 et seq., an order of abatement pursuant to H&SC § 42450 et seq., or as an administrative revision initiated by District staff.

  • Permit conditions imposed on Company shall not be more burdensome than those imposed on other utilities for similar facilities or work.

  • A Slug Discharge is any Discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including but not limited to an accidental spill or a non-customary batch Discharge, which has a reasonable potential to cause Interference or Pass Through, or in any other way violate the POTW’s regulations, Local Limits or Permit conditions.

  • Any person who willfully or negligently violates Permit conditions or the Act is subject to a fine not exceeding$25,000 per day of violation.

More Definitions of Permit conditions

Permit conditions means conditions for approval and issuance of a Special Event Permit provided in Section 8.16.140.
Permit conditions means operational limits, restrictions, or other guides which have been set by the Air Pollution Control Officer, which govern the operation and/or emissions of a particular permitted air pollution source.
Permit conditions means the conditions associated with a permit, including the annual payment in advance of the prescribed annual permit fee;
Permit conditions means those certain conditions to the approval of the Project set forth in the Use Permit and the Project Permit.
Permit conditions means the conditions imposed by the State/Regional Transport Authority, GoH/ appropriate authority under the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 for operation of Stage Carriage services in in the Project Area and includes any subsequent amendments, modifications, revisions, thereof.
Permit conditions means these permit conditions. “Permitted Use” means conducting vehicle passenger transport operations at the Airport.
Permit conditions means the emission level limits published in the Regulation on Control of Industrial Air Pollution (as defined herein).