Permitted Maximum definition
Examples of Permitted Maximum in a sentence
Provided that for a Class A Member there shall be disregarded any emoluments in excess of the Permitted Maximum.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.[CFFTT] Common File Format & Media Formats Specification version 2.2, Section 2.2, and related schema,[EBU-R128] EBU Recommendation 128, “Loudness Normalisation and Permitted Maximum Level of Audio Signals”, European Broadcast Union.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.[CFFTT] Common File Format & Media Formats Specification version 2.2, Section 2.2, and related schema,[DLPC] Subtitle Specification (XML File Format) for DLP CinemaTM Projection Technology, Texas Instruments, March 31, 2005.[EBU-R128] EBU Recommendation 128, “Loudness Normalisation and Permitted Maximum Level of Audio Signals”, European Broadcast Union.
STANDARDS FOR SUBDIVISION SIGNS Districts Permitted Maximum Number Permitted Maximum Area of Sign Maximum Height of Sign Location of Sign R-1 & R-2 Single-Family & R-3 Single- & Two-Family Residential One sign per street bordering or entering the subdivision Article IX.
FREESTANDING SHOPPING CENTER SIGNS Class ofShopping Center/PUD Districts Permitted Maximum Number PermittedNotes:1Maximum area refers to combined area of both signs, or of one sign if there is only one.