Permitted Unit definition
Examples of Permitted Unit in a sentence
Such transfer, if accomplished in accordance with the foregoing, shall also be a "Permitted Unit Transfer" and JSI shall also be a "Permitted Transferee", provided that (i) PCS Holdings must be provided with prompt written notice of such transfer, and (ii) JSI must execute a receipt and acknowledgement letter as contemplated in Section 7J.(iv) above, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to PCS Holdings and its counsel.
Permitted Unit TypesThe following types of units are permitted in SRAP:• Legal dwelling units with a full kitchen and bathroom that are integrated into the community (e.g., surrounded by units that house people with and without disabilities in natural proportions).
The parties hereto acknowledge and agree that Attachment A to this Agreement shall be updated as soon as practicable after the expiration of the Permitted Unit Transfer Period, and again immediately prior to the Closing, to appropriately evidence the correct ownership of Units and the appropriate disposition thereof pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Prior to transport, containers shall be inspected to ensure that they are properly closed, labeled, secured, and in suitable condition for transport.If loading and unloading operations occur outdoors, they shall be conducted in an area immediately adjacent to the Permitted Unit to minimize the distance that the waste must be moved.
The provisions of §1.6 (Handbook Approval Process), §1.7.5 (Permitted Unit Transfers), and §1.8 (Entitlement Process Chart) from the Tentatively Approved Handbook are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein.
At a minimum, the Permittees shall maintain the equipment set forth in Permit Attachment D (Contingency Plan), and as required by 40 CFR § 264.32.The Permittees shall maintain required equipment, including internal communications or alarm systems; devices to summon emergency assistance; fire control, spill control, and decontamination equipment; and adequate water volume and pressure for fire suppression equipment at each Permitted Unit.
Strike Permitted Unit Bargaining Process and Just Cause, were reviewed in the handout.
In the event of an imminent or actual emergency situation, Permitted Unit personnel shall immediately activate the internal facility alarm or communication systems to notify all facilitypersonnel.
Pursuant to 40 CFR § 264.73, the Permittees shall maintain a written Operating Record for each Permitted Unit at the Facility for the active life of the Facility, except as provided by NMAC, Permit Section 7.2.2 and Permit Attachment H (Post-Closure Care Plans).Unless specifically prohibited by this Permit, an electronic record in format usable by the Department capable of producing a paper copy shall be deemed to be a written record.
The Permittees shall give advance written notice to the Department as soon as possible, of any planned physical alterations or additions to any Permitted Unit at the Facility.