Personal cultivation definition

Personal cultivation means that cultivation of cannabis for personal use that is allowed under MAUCRESA and the provisions of this Chapter.
Personal cultivation means cannabis cultivation up to one hundred (100) square feet of total canopy area by a qualified patient, as defined in Section 11362.7 of the Health and Safety Code, who cultivates and possesses cannabis exclusively for his or her personal medical use but who does not provide, donate, sell, or distribute cannabis to any other person or entity.
Personal cultivation means cannabis cultivation conducted by an individual strictly for that individual’s personal use, possession, processing, transporting, or giving away without any compensation whatsoever in accordance with this Code and state law, including but not limited to Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.1 and 11362.2, as may be amended. Personal cultivation also means and includes cultivation of medical cannabis conducted by a qualified patient exclusively for his or her personal medical use, and cultivation conducted by a primary caregiver for the personal medical purposes of no more than five specified qualified patients for whom he or she is the primary caregiver, in accordance with state law, including Health and Safety Code Sections 11362.7 and 11362.765, as may be amended. Except as herein defined, personal cultivation does not include, and shall not authorize, any cultivation conducted as part of a business or commercial activity, including cultivation for compensation or retail or wholesale sales of cannabis.

Examples of Personal cultivation in a sentence

  • Personal cultivation in strict compliance with both this Chapter and state law does not require a local license within the unincorporated area of the County.

  • Personal cultivation of cannabis shall not interfere with the primary occupancy of the building or structure, including regular use of kitchen(s), bathroom(s) or the garage.

  • Personal cultivation activities give rise to, or pose a significant risk of giving rise to, various health and safety concerns and negative impacts to residents of the City of Chico, including but not limited to burglaries and robberies, trespassing, personal and property crimes, fire and building hazards, chemical and waste disposal, mold growth, offensive odors, and possession and use by persons under the age of twenty-one (21).

  • Personal cultivation of cannabis (indoor and outdoor) only allowable in conjunction with residential use subject to SMC 19.50.032.

  • Personal cultivation of cannabis, both indoor and outdoor, is only allowed in residential zones according to this Section 18.15.070.

More Definitions of Personal cultivation

Personal cultivation means cultivation by a person of his own land on his own account
Personal cultivation means cultivation by and for an individual for their individual use under Section 11362.1 of the Health and Safety Code as it now exists or may hereafter be amended or cultivation by a qualified patient or primary caregiver in accordance with the Compassionate Use Act of 1996 (Section 11362.5 of the Health and Safety Code) as it now exists or may hereafter be amended.
Personal cultivation. ’ by a person shall mean cultivation–
Personal cultivation means cultivation of six or fewer mature cannabis plants for personal medical or personal adult use. Cultivation of six or fewer mature cannabis plants shall not be considered "commercial cannabis activity" for the purposes of this chapter.
Personal cultivation means cultivating hemp on less than 0.5 acres for personal use. No hemp crop, hemp product or hemp-infused product shall enter into commerce from cultivation areas for personal use.
Personal cultivation means the cultivation, drying, and storing of Cannabis for
Personal cultivation means cultivation on one`s own account by his own labor or by the labor of any member of his family or by servants on wages payable in cash or kind (but not in crop share) or by hired labor under his own supervision or the personal supervision of any member of his family;