Examples of Surface material in a sentence
Surface material was first removed and sample holes were dug to roughly 30cm depth.
Surface material must be selected with regard to surface gradients and road user needs to ensure surface water film is not allowed to become excessive in depth.
Example: Surface material for parking lot (such as blacktop, crushed stone, sealcoat) Supplies needed to copy and distribute LWRP (such as paper and binders) General office supplies are overhead costs, which are not eligible.
Surface material and any hard core is to stored separately for replacing last when the trenches are backfilled and any large stones are to be removed from the remainder of the excavate material so that generally soft fill is available for backfilling immediately on top of the cable.
Surface material was collected, described and recorded by the project geologists following protocols in place at the time.
Surface material has medium capacity to absorb contaminants and create an effective barrier to contaminants.
Surface material to be removed shall be cut, if necessary, vertically with a power-driven friction saw prior to removal.
Criteria CommentarySampling techniques • Soil samples were collected at 25m intervals along 100m spaced grid lines.• Surface material was first removed and sample holes were dug to roughly 30cm depth.
Surface material and rock are removed to expose the taconite ore-bearing rock layers.
Prior to first use of the Artificial Grass Pitch Surface material details of the footpath and maintenance access route to the Artificial Grass Pitch shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, after consultation with Sport England.