Pharmacy Board definition

Pharmacy Board means the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy.
Pharmacy Board means the Pharmacy Board established under the Pharmacy Act;
Pharmacy Board means the State Board of Pharmacy.]

Examples of Pharmacy Board in a sentence

  • Pharmacy Board staff are also available via phone or email to answer questions regarding implementation of the rule.

  • To successfully complete the examination, the candidate must make a score of at least seventy five (75) on the NAPLEX part of the examination, a score of at least seventy five (75) on the MPJE part of the examination, or a score of at least seventy five (75) on the test of Mississippi Pharmacy Law and Pharmacy Board Regulations.

  • The examination shall consist of the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and the Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) or a test on Mississippi Pharmacy Law and Pharmacy Board Regulations administered by the Board.

  • Checks should be made payable to the Pharmacy Board Contingent Fund.

  • All Parties to this Agreement understand that this document is a public record under R.C. §149.43, and its terms will therefore become part of the minutes of a meeting of the Pharmacy Board.

  • There are three National Pharmacy Boards of the Society:• English Pharmacy Board (EPB)• Scottish Pharmacy Board (SPB)• Welsh Pharmacy Board (WPB) - the Welsh Pharmacy Board shall also be known as Bwrdd Fferylliaeth Cymru, which name shall be interchangeable with the English name of the Board and equally valid in all respects.

  • The position of National Board Vice Chair has no formal role in the overall governance of the Society other than to deputise for the Chair at National Pharmacy Board meetings or to act as interim Chair (see 7.5.4 below).

  • The role has no inherent powers or authority, with the exception of the Vice-Chair of the English Pharmacy Board who shall be a member of the Assembly.

  • Only a pharmacist approved by the Pharmacy Board and the Medical Board may legally identify himself as a CPP.

  • The National Pharmacy Board Chair/Vice Chair will be an elected member of the relevant National Pharmacy Board.

More Definitions of Pharmacy Board

Pharmacy Board means the Prince Edward Island Pharmacy Board established under section 6 of the Pharmacy Act, R.S.P.E.I. 1988, Cap. P-6;
Pharmacy Board means the South African Pharmacy Board referred to in section 2 of the Pharmacy Act. 1974:
Pharmacy Board means the Board established under section 3(1); “practice of pharmacy” means—

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