Examples of Physically incapacitated in a sentence
Please click here for further information. Mentally disabled persons cannot give consent to a sexual activity if they cannot appreciate the fact, nature, or extent of the sexual situation in which they find themselves. Physically incapacitated persons.
Physically incapacitated persons are considered incapable of giving effective consent when they lack the ability to appreciate the fact that the situation is sexual, and/or cannot rationally and reasonably appreciate the nature and extent of that situation.
Physically incapacitated persons may not give consent when they lack the capacity to appreciate the fact that the situation is sexual, and/or cannot rationally and reasonably appreciate the nature and extent of the situation.
Late registration of first year student will not be accepted after these days unless the student submits a written appeal to the Registrar through the concerned Head of the Department and can document extenuating circumstances such as medical problems (Physically incapacitated and not able to be present) or some other academic commitments which precluded enrolling prior to the last date of registration.
Coarse fraction (>45 μm) of flyash behaves more as a filler material rather as pozzolanic.Mineral fillers may include use of lime stone powder/ granite powder passing though 125 micron sieve which increases paste volume.