Placed Child definition
Examples of Placed Child in a sentence
Payment shall commence the day the child is placed with CONTRACTOR and terminate the day before the Placed Child is removed.
Should CONTRACTOR, after having a Placed Child admitted to a psychiatric or medical hospital, unilaterally decide not to take the Placed Child back, all xxxxxx payments made to CONTRACTOR to keep the space available for that Placed Child shall be returned immediately to COUNTY by CONTRACTOR, unless otherwise agreed to by COUNTY and CONTRACTOR in writing.
When CONTRACTOR agrees to hold a bed open for a Placed Child, CONTRACTOR shall document the CSW’s agreement to pay for the open bed in the Placed Child's record and shall request an email confirmation from the County Worker.
COUNTY shall pay CONTRACTOR for each Placed Child the monthly Intensive Services Xxxxxx Care Xxxxxx Family Agency Program Rates established by the California Department of Social Services, Xxxxxx Care Funding and Rates Bureau.
The information needed to assess the needs of the Placed Child shall include, but is not limited to: (1) the items identified in Title 22, Division 6, Chapter 1, Section 80070(b) and Chapter 8.8, Section 88070(a)(1)-(2); and (2) a description of dangerous propensities of the Placed Child as outlined in the California Department of Social Services, Manual of Policies and Procedures, Division 31, Section 31- 310.16.
Anyone requesting to review a Placed Xxxxx's case records, interview a Placed Child for research or media purposes, or photograph or videotape a Placed Child, must obtain written approval in accordance with Juvenile Court policy as described in Los Angeles Superior Court, Local Rules, Chapter 17, Juvenile Division, Dependency Proceedings, effective May 1, 1999.
During the term of this Contract, COUNTY shall compensate CONTRACTOR for the Services set forth in this Contract and in the Statement of Work (Exhibit A), for each Placed Child at the Intensive Services Xxxxxx Care Xxxxxx Family Agency Program Rates, as further described in Part I, Section 7.0, Invoices and Payments.
CONTRACTOR shall provide such Services to each Placed Child in accordance with CONTRACTOR'S Plan of Operations and Program Statement (Exhibit A-13).
CONTRACTOR shall notify DCFS Xxxxxx Care Hotline at (000) 000-0000 or Probation Placement Administrative Services’ (PAS) Officer of the Day at (000) 000-0000 within 24 hours whenever a Placed Child is moved from one site/home to another or a child leaves the CONTRACTOR’s program.
CONTRACTOR will remain with the Placed Child if imminent risk is present.