Examples of Plan addendum in a sentence
For example, an entity whose primary liability claims base equaled 10% of all allowed claims against all Nortel entities would receive 10% of the Sale Proceeds (approximately $730 million), without regard to the amount actually attributable to its sold assets or secondary liabilities.
The analysis covers the period from the project onset to the end of its additional financing - 8 years.Description of main initiatives under analysis 3.
The plan must be submitted by January 15, 2015 along with the required Turnaround Plan addendum for review.
The plan must be submitted to CDE by January 15, 2013 along with the required Turnaround Plan addendum to be reviewed by CDE.
For D-RS2M and D-RS3M zones: LURC subdivision/development review, subject to statutory criteria, regulatory criteria and Concept Plan addendum to Chapter 10.For D-GN2M zone: 3-step process:1.
Applicant is a legal entity that intends to enter into a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan addendum to its Medicare Advantage contract with CMS.
Plan addendum activity can be conducted at any time as needed (generally for plan sections that involve significant changes in critical processes).
Concept Plan ProposalAmendmentsDevelopment review processLURC subdivision/development review, subject to statutory criteria, regulatory criteria and Concept Plan addendum to Chapter 10.Replace with a 2-step process:1.
Concept Plan ProposalRecommendationsDevelopment review processLURC subdivision/development review, subject to statutory criteria, regulatory criteria and Concept Plan addendum to Chapter 10.Replace with a 2-step process:1.
In 2019, the Group acquired certain subsidiaries and wrote a put option to the vendors of Zhejiang Gangwan Group, who is currently the non-controlling interests and owned 40% equity interests in Zhejiang Gangwan Group.