Examples of Plan Maturity Date in a sentence
If the Plan term is equal to or is over 15 years, and you have interest to use the Encashment Value to buy an annuity product for securing your income in the future after Plan Maturity Date, depending on the market conditions at that time, we may provide information about a proper annuity product in accordance with your need for your independent consideration.
If the Plan term is equal to or is over 15 years, and you have interest to use the Encashment Value to buy an annuity product for securing income in the future for Beneficiaries after Plan Maturity Date, depending on the market conditions at that time, we may provide information about a proper annuity product in accordance with your need for your independent consideration.
No contributions may be made to the Plan after the Plan Maturity Date.
If the Plan term is equal to or is over 15 years, and you have interest to use the Encashment Value to buy an annuity product for securingincome in the future for Beneficiaries after Plan Maturity Date, depending on the market conditions at that time, we may provide information about a proper annuity product in accordance with your need for your independent consideration.
The amount to the credit of the Plan at the Plan Maturity Date will be used to provide a retirement income, as defined below, ('Retirement Income') or the Plan may be amended or revised to provide for the payment or transfer before the Plan Maturity Date, on the Member's behalf, of any such amount to another plan in accordance with Provision 6, or for the payment to the Member, in a lump sum, of the amount to the credit of the Plan less any amount withheld for income tax purposes.
Subject to MetLife underwriting requirements, until Retirement (or, if earlier, the Plan Maturity Date), the life insurance coverage under the Policy will be equal to five (5) times the participant’s Annual Compensation.
Government Regulations......................................................................46 Section 7.19.
The Additional Regular Contribution must take effect from at least ten years before the Plan Maturity Date and be more than the minimum amount set out in the table below depending on the Plan Currency and the frequency of Contribution.
The target cash value of the Policy at Plan Maturity Date will be designed (using the Actuarial Assumptions), but not guaranteed, to provide this target amount of paid-up coverage to age 95.
If the participant has only been a participant in this Plan or was part of the Original VELIP, then during this period prior to Plan Maturity Date, the amount of coverage shall be equal to what they had at retirement.