Examples of Planning Obligations SPD in a sentence
This document has recently been replaced by the Updated Planning Obligations SPD (adopted July 2014) which reflects the introduction of Hillingdon's Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).
As with all major development the application needs to address and mitigate the additional pressure on the social and economic infrastructure of the city, in accordance with Development Plan policies and the Council’s adopted Planning Obligations SPD (2013).
The Planning Obligations SPD sets out a range of requirements relating to open space provision and contributions towards playing pitches.
The Planning Obligations SPD sets out that where an improvement is required to an existing facility, the level of financial contribution sought will be defined based on the specific improvement the Council is seeking to implement taking into account the scale of increased use likely to arise from the development proposal and secured through S106Agreement.
The site would generate additional residential floor space within the Bath city area and is subject to contributions via the infrastructure Levy in line with the Council's adopted Planning Obligations SPD at £100 per square metre.
The Revised Planning Obligations SPD is a tool for negotiating contributions to mitigate any negative site-specific impacts of development.
The Council’s Planning Obligations SPD requires that residential developments of 11 or more units (or with a maximum combined gross floorspace of more than 1,000sqm) will be required to provide a contribution in order to secure delivery of appropriate enhancements to existing education facilities in the local area where there is insufficient capacity to meet the increase in school age children generated by the development.
TIF2, and 501 DED1 genes were amplified from the genomic tiling plasmids that suppressed the ded1 mutant 502 alleles (GE Healthcare #YSC5103).
The Planning Obligations SPD sits alongside the portfolio of Local Plan documents to support and add detail to the newly adopted Local Plan (March 2018), and replaces the existing Planning Obligations SPD (2008).
A commitment to 20% local employment during construction phase and end user phase and procurement during the construction phase in accordance with the Planning Obligations SPD.