Examples of Platts Oilgram in a sentence
The average weekly assessments will be based on the Monday to Friday week average of the high and low daily assessments as compiled by Platt's Oilgram and made available electronically at the beginning of the following week from either GlobalView or PAWS.
Overages or shortages of inventories in Explorer's custody will be settled monthly with each Shipper on a monetary basis determined by the Platt's Oilgram low posting for US Gulf Coast Pipeline (unless otherwise noted) using the average of each business day prices quoted for the settlement month.
The Commission will, on the first day of each month (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and holidays), determine the "Monthly Fuel Index" of No. 2 fuel from the price index as reported by Platt's Oilgram - PAD 2 - St. Louis Area, which will apply to all payment estimates during that month regardless of the type fuel used.
The "Starting Fuel Index" will be the average of the values given for No. 2 fuel as reported by Platt's Oilgram - PAD 2 - St. Louis Area.
For price adjustments utilizing commercial publications such as Platts Oilgram, etc., the reference price in effect on the date of delivery shall be that item’s reference price that is in effect for the dates in the Table below.
Overages or shortages of inventories in Explorer's custody will be settled monthly with each Shipper on a monetary basis determined by the Platt's Oilgram low posting for US Gulf Coast Pipeline using the average of each business day prices quoted for the settlement month.
For price adjustments utilizing a reference price indicator other than commercial publications such as Platts Oilgram, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer of any changes in the reference price in writing within 15 calendar days from the date thereof.
Students play an integral part in the organization and administration of Mount Allison's intramural program.Each residence on-campus and off-campus students have or will elect one or two representatives who make up the intramural council.
Just like the Tesoro 2014 and Tesoro 2016 RIK contracts, the proposed RIK contracts with Petro Star define “ANS Spot Price” as the monthly average of the daily high and low assessments for the month for ANS traded at the USWC as reported by Platts Oilgram Price Report and Reuters online data reporting service.44 The average of Platts and Reuters also forms the basis for the prevailing value calculation used by Alaska’s Department of Revenue (15 AAC 55.171(m)).
Ocean Shipping Rates to U.S. Northeast RefineriesDollars per barrel OriginSource: Platts Oilgram News, “Regulation and Environment,” September 9, 2013; Platts OilGram Price Report, McGraw Hill Financial, January-April, 2014.