Examples of Playing Book in a sentence
Section 12261(b) was amended to correct the outdated number of the form Application for Playing Book Approval, located in Appendix A of this chapter.
To request6 review of the electronic playing book system, the form Application for Playing Book Approval, CGCC-7 CH3-01, referenced in subsection (b) of Section 12261, must be completed and submitted to the Bureau8 along with the following:9 (1) The applicable initial or amendment application processing fee and deposit per system, as required10 in Section 12090.
Section 12264 provides the application and review process for Electronic Playing Book Systems.
Beginning Classroom Guitar with CD, Thomson/Schirmer, Belmont, CA 2004 ISBN-0-534-17432-9Noad, Frederick Solo Guitar Playing, Book 1.
Ms. Morrow suggests that the definition address access to inspect all programs or applications that have access either to Electronic Playing Book terminal(s) or the database(s) associated with the operation of those terminal(s).
Subsection (b) provides which documents and fees are required to be submitted to the Bureau in order to request the review of their hardcopy playing book by completing the form Application for Playing Book Approval, which is attached in Appendix A of this chapter.
Review of Playing Book Forms.Section 12261 provides general information and requirements about the review and approval of a hardcopy playing book form.
Review of Playing Book Forms.24 …25 (b) To request the review of a new or amended hardcopy playing book, the form Application for26 Playing Book Approval, CGCC-CH3-01 (Rev.
Review of Playing Book Forms.Section 12261 provides the review process for playing book approval.
Electronic Playing Book Database Requirements.Section 12263 provides requirements for electronic playing book databases.