Completion of Construction means the date, as determined by the Division after consultation with the Recipient, that the work of building and erection of the Project is substantially complete, and is identified in Exhibit A of this Agreement.
Form of Agreement means the form of agreement contained in Part D of the RFP;
Original construction means the first or initial construction
Staff Vetting Procedure means the Authority’s procedures for the vetting of personnel and as advised to the Contractor by the Authority.
Annexure G means a copy of the regulation 36 deviation approved by the Accounting Officer (Chief Executive Officer) of JOBURG MARKET in the event that in the procurement of this Agreement the official procurement processes was dispensed with based on an exceptional circumstance allowed by the SCM Regulatory Framework.
Appendix means an appendix to this Prospectus that sets out specific information applicable to a Sub-Fund.
Acquisition and Construction Fund means the fund so designated in, and created pursuant to, Section 502 hereof.
Superintendent of public instruction means that state government official designated as a
Part III means Tariff, Part III, sections 28 through 35 pertaining to Network Integration Transmission Service in conjunction with the applicable Common Service Provisions of Tariff, Part I and appropriate Schedules and Attachments.
The constructional plant means all appliances, tools, plants or machinery or whatsoever nature required in or about the execution, completion or maintenance of the works but does not include materials or other things intended to form part of the permanent work.
New construction means, for the purposes of determining insurance rates, structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of an initial FIRM or after December 31, 1974, whichever is later, and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. For floodplain management purposes, "new construction" means structures for which the "start of construction" commenced on or after the effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by a community and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.
Standard operating procedure means a formal written procedure offi- cially adopted by the plant owner or operator and available on a routine basis to those persons responsible for carrying out the procedure.
General Conditions means the “International Development Association General Conditions for Credits and Grants”, dated July 1, 2005 (as amended through October 15, 2006).
Service or Element Description Recurring Charges:
Residential construction means construction on single-family or two-family dwellings occupied or used, or intended to be occupied or used, primarily for residential purposes, and includes real property pursuant to chapter 499B.
Dispatch Instruction has the meaning set forth in the CAISO Tariff.
Terms of Use means any privacy policy, terms of use or other terms and conditions made applicable by BNYM in connection with the Company’s or a Permitted User’s access to and use of a Component System or a BNYM Web Application or other access site or access method.
laws relating to native title means laws applicable from time to time in Western Australia in respect of native title and includes the Native Title Act 1993 (Commonwealth);
Standard Operating Procedures or “SOP” means the procedures as specified in the Annexes or Attachments to the relevant Schedules;
Staff Vetting Procedures means vetting procedures that accord with good industry practice or, where requested by the Customer, the Customer’s procedures for the vetting of personnel as provided to the Supplier from time to time;
GENERAL AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT means the instructions to Tenderer and General and special conditions of contract pertaining to the work for which above tenders have been called for.
Asynchronous instruction means instruction where students engage in learning without the direct presence (remote or in-person) of a teacher.
Construction Schedule means a construction schedule indicating the planned start and completion dates of the major activities of the Work as set out in Appendix [ ], a future Appendix;
Bidding Procedures means the bidding procedures for the solicitation and submission of bids for a sale, reorganization, or other disposition of Sellers or all or substantially all of their assets approved by the Bankruptcy Court pursuant to the Bidding Procedures Order.
Annexure F means, if applicable to the Product or the subject matter of this Agreement and read conjunctively with the Contractor’s obligations in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, the express warranties provided by the Contractor in relation to the Product.
Bidding Process means the procurement procedure under which sealed bids are invited, received, opened, examined and evaluated for the purpose of awarding a contract;