Pornographic or indecent definition

Pornographic or indecent means material that meets any of the following:

Examples of Pornographic or indecent in a sentence

  • Pornographic or indecent material will be reported for possible criminal prosecution in accordance with the UCA 76-10-1235 and/or other applicable District, state and federal regulations.

  • Pornographic or indecent material will be reported for possible criminal prosecution in accordance with the UCA 76-10-1235 and/or other applicable District, state, and federal regulations.

  • To be clear, Section 76‐10‐1235 states that in a school setting or on school property in Utah, "Pornographic or indecent material" means any material: "(i) defined as harmful toJuly 26 2022 minors in Section 76‐10‐1201; (ii) described as pornographic in Section 76‐10‐1203; or (iii) described in Section 76‐ 10‐122 c.

  • Pornographic or indecent material in possession by SEDC patron or staff member will be reported for possible criminal prosecution in accordance with the UCA 76-10-1235 and/or other applicable SEDC or state actions.

  • Pornographic or indecent material in possession by SEDC patron or staff member will be reported for possible criminal prosecution in accordance with the UCA 76-10- 1235 and/or other applicable SEDC or state actions.

  • Pornographic or indecent material in possession by a student or staff member will be reported for possible criminal prosecution in accordance with the UCA 76- 10-1235 and/or other applicable GPA or state actions.

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  • To be clear, Section 76-10-1235 states that in a school setting or on school property in Utah, "Pornographic or indecent material" means any material: "(i) defined as harmful to minors in Section 76-10-1201; (ii) described as pornographic in Section 76-10-1203; or (iii) described in Section 76- 10-1227." c.

Related to Pornographic or indecent

  • Obscene means containing a patently offensive description of or a solicitation to commit an ultimate sex act, including sexual intercourse, masturbation, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anilingus, or a description of an excretory function.

  • child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where –

  • Violent felony means the same as that term is defined in Section 76-3-203.5.

  • Sexually violent offense means an offense for which a conviction has been entered for any of the following indictable offenses:

  • Nonviolent offense means an offense which is not a violent

  • Violent offense means a violent offense as defined in RCW 9.94A.030;

  • Intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct means, but is not limited to, conduct that does the following:

  • Obscene matter or an obscene performance means matter described in 1984 PA 343, MCL 752.361 to 752.374.

  • Violent juvenile felony means any of the delinquent acts enumerated in subsection B or C of

  • Sexually oriented business means an adult arcade, adult bookstore or adult video store, adult cabaret, adult motel, adult motion picture theater, adult theater, escort agency, nude model studio, or sexual encounter center.

  • Violence means the unjustified infliction of physical force by a student with the intent to cause injury to another student or damage to the property of another student.

  • Sexual Exploitation and Abuse “(SEA)” means the following:

  • Harasses means a pattern or course of conduct directed toward another individual that includes, but is not limited to, repeated or continuing unconsented contact, that would cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional distress, and that actually causes emotional distress to the victim. Harassment shall include harassing or obscene phone calls as prohibited by Section 1172 of this title and conduct prohibited by Section 850 of this title. Harassment does not include constitutionally protected activity or conduct that serves a legitimate purpose;

  • Sexual activity means sexual conduct or sexual contact, or both.

  • Sexual exploitation means any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust for sexual purposes. It includes profiting monetarily, socially, or politically from sexual exploitation of another.

  • Violent student means a student under the age of 21 who:

  • Adult means a person 18 years of age or older.

  • Criminal sexual activity means the commission of an act as defined in Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which is the act of sodomy; and

  • Toxic pollutant contaminant", "restricted hazardous waste", "infectious waste", "toxic substances", or any other term or expression intended to define, list or classify substances by reason of properties harmful to health, safety or the indoor or outdoor environment (including harmful properties such as ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, carcinogenicity, toxicity, reproductive toxicity, "TCLP toxicity" or "EP toxicity" or words of similar import under any applicable Environmental Laws); (ii) any oil, petroleum, petroleum fraction or petroleum derived substance; (iii) any drilling fluids, produced waters and other wastes associated with the exploration, development or production of crude oil, natural gas or geothermal resources; (iv) any flammable substances or explosives; (v) any radioactive materials; (vi) any asbestos-containing materials; (vii) urea formaldehyde foam insulation; (viii) electrical equipment which contains any oil or dielectric fluid containing polychlorinated biphenyls; (ix) pesticides; and (x) any other chemical, material or substance, exposure to which is prohibited, limited or regulated by any governmental authority or which may or could pose a hazard to the health and safety of the owners, occupants or any Persons in the vicinity of any Facility or to the indoor or outdoor environment.

  • Public Advertisement means an announcement dated 09.01.2022 in newspaper(s) inviting an expression of interest from the Bidders, who shall submit their Bid to participate in the liquidation process of the Company in accordance with the provisions of IBC and Liquidation Process Regulations;

  • Public nuisance means a building that is a menace to the public health, welfare, or safety, or that is structurally unsafe, unsanitary, or not provided with adequate safe egress, or that constitutes a fire hazard, or is otherwise dangerous to human life, or that in relation to the existing use constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare, or safety by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence, or abandonment. “Public nuisance” includes buildings with blighting characteristics as defined by Iowa Code section 403.2.

  • Toxic Substance includes but is not limited to asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and lead-based paints.

  • Sexually violent predator means a person who:

  • Dangerous weapon means any weapon, device, instrument, material or substance which under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

  • Radioactive Products or Waste means any radioactive material produced in, or any material made radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to the production or utilization of nuclear fuel, but does not include radioisotopes which have reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial or industrial purpose.