Post Only definition
Examples of Post Only in a sentence
The handling of a Post-Only Order may move from one process to the other (i.e., a Post-Only Order initially handled under the Post-Only Price Process may upon reevaluation be handled under the Managed Interest Process if the PBBO changes and the Post- Only Order no longer locks or crosses an order on the System but locks or crosses the ABBO).
The Post- Only instruction will be ignored for (i) Post-Only Quotes that participate in the Opening Process, and (ii) Post-Only Quotes subject to the ABBO transition from a crossed state to an uncrossed state pursuant to Rule 515, Interpretation and Policy .02.
If the PBBO is at the NBBO, upon receipt of an order which locks or crosses the NBBO (other than a Post-Only Order which is handled pursuant to the Post- Only Price Process under paragraph (g) below), the System will immediately execute the new incoming order against the PBBO at or better than the PBBO price for a size which is the lesser of (i) the new incoming order; or (ii) the PBBO size.
If the EBBO is at the NBBO, upon receipt of an order which locks or crosses the NBBO (other than a Post-Only Order which is handled pursuant to the Post- Only Price Process under paragraph (i) below), the System will immediately execute the new incoming order against the EBBO at or better than the EBBO price for a size which is the lesser of (1) the new incoming order; or (2) the EBBO size.
The following paragraphs will apply to a Post- Only Order where the limit price of a Post-Only Order locks or crosses the current opposite side PBBO where the PBBO is the NBBO (the Post-Only Order locks or crosses an order on the System) both (i) upon receipt by the System, and (ii) upon reevaluation by the System.
If, some portion of such submitted Post-Only (Price Adjustment) Quote would be immediately executable opposite any resting Non- Post Only Order(s), that part of such submitted Post-Only (Price Adjustment) Quote will be matched opposite such resting Non-Post Only Order(s) by the Exchange.
If it is not already public information, it is outside of your responsibility to make it so.• Post Only Your Own Material: This will ensure that you are compliant with all copyright and trademark laws.• Keep it Legal: Employees may not post content or conduct any activity that fails to conform to any and all applicable state and federal laws.• Respect JPA Time and Property: Computers and time on the job are for JPA business.
Level II (Limited Area Emergency) - by way of response, UAPB may be notified at this level and advised to make preparations for implementation of this emergency plan if the even escalates.Level III (Post Only Emergency) – by way of response, UAPB will be notified by county officials and a recommendation made as to implementation of this plan or precautionary protective actions.
Post Only Appropriate and Respectful ContentMaintain the confidentiality of School private or confidential information.
In particular, MIAX PEARL Rule 515 specifies a “price protection process,” a Managed Interest Process, and a Post Only Process, each discussed more fully below.The MIAX PEARL system offers a “price protection” process for all orders.174 Price protection prevents an order from being executed beyond the price designated in the order’s price protection instructions (“the price protection limit”).