Examples of Power of Control in a sentence
Paragraph 3 The Company shall not register any transfer of shares to that person or those persons to hold the Power of Control, while that person or those persons do not sign the Statement of Agreement of the Controlling Shareholders referred by the “Novo Mercado” Listing Rules.
The Company will not register transfers of shares to the acquirers of the Power of Control, or to parties that may acquire the Power of Control, prior to the signature thereby of the Deed of Assent of the Controllers, as stipulated in the Novo Mercado Listing Regulations.
The object of this agreement is to establish the reciprocal rights and obligations of the Stockholders of the Company, in their condition as representatives of the Control Block of the Company, and it shall orient the exercise, by the Stockholders, of the Power of Control of the Company.
Paragraph 4 No Shareholders’ Agreement providing for the exercise of Power of Control may be registered at the Company’s headquarters without its subscribers having signed the Statement of Agreement referred to in Paragraph 3 of this Article.
It also means the Power of Control when exercised by shareholders which, as a group, hold a percentage above fifty per cent (50%) of the capital stock, with each shareholder holding individually less than 50% of the capital stock, provided that these shareholders are neither subscribers to a voting agreement, nor under common Control, and do not act representing a common interest.