Practice of dentistry definition

Practice of dentistry means the following, regarding humans:
Practice of dentistry means the diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or operation for a disease, pain, deformity, deficiency, injury, or physical condition of the human tooth, teeth, alveolar process, gums or jaws, or their dependent tissues, or an offer, undertaking, attempt to do, or holding oneself out as able to do any of these acts.
Practice of dentistry means examination, diagnosis, treatment, repair, administration of local or general anesthetics, prescriptions, or surgery of or for any disease, disorder, deficiency, deformity, discoloration, condition, lesion, injury, or pain of the human oral cavity, teeth, gingivae, and soft tissues, and the diagnosis, surgical, and adjunctive treatment of the diseases, injuries, and defects of the upper and lower human jaw and associated structures.

Examples of Practice of dentistry in a sentence

  • Release and Certification: Practice of dentistry without an active license is a violation of the Dental Practice Act.

  • Practice of dentistry state- 10D2-4A8B-A3FF-6B029F5E772E/76102/ Practiceofdentistrystatement.doc (accessed 2 November 2009).

  • The statutes the Board will want to look at are AS 08.36.100, License Required; 08.36.244-247, License to practice as a specialist required; 08.36.360 Practice of dentistry defined, and 08.36.365 Rights of Dentists.

  • Practice of dentistry by professional business entities 19§ 54.1-2718.

  • Practice of dentistry needs sound knowledge of science, high level of hand dexterity, and very good sense of aesthetics.

More Definitions of Practice of dentistry

Practice of dentistry means that the applicant has actively engaged in clinical patient contact for at least an average of twenty (20) hours per week for two (2) years. A maximum of one (1) year of the two (2) year requirement may have been in postdoctoral training in a program approved by the board. (State Board of Dentistry; 828 IAC 1-3-2; filed Apr 19, 1991, 3:00 p.m.: 14 IR 1728; readopted filed Apr 11, 2001, 3:21 p.m.: 24 IR 2896; filed Sep 27, 2002, 2:38 p.m.: 26 IR 375; filed Mar 23, 2006, 10:15 a.m.: 29 IR 2545; readopted filed Nov 9, 2012, 11:21 a.m.: 20121205-IR-828120384RFA; readopted filed Nov 29, 2018, 10:35 a.m.: 20181226-IR-828180401RFA)
Practice of dentistry means the practice of dentistry as defined in Section 6601 of the New York State Education Law.
Practice of dentistry means the performance of any operation and the giving of any treatment, advice, opinion or attendance which is usually performed or given by a dentist and includes the performance of any operation or the giving of any treatment, advice or attendance on or to any person preparatory to, for the purpose of, or in connection with, the fitting, insertion, or fixing of artificial teeth;” – section 2 of the Dentists Act 1985.
Practice of dentistry means the practice of dentistry as defined (2) The records required under subparagraph 374-4.2(d)(1)(i) of in Section 6601 of the New York State Education Law. this subdivision must be maintained as long as the amalgam separator is in 374-4.2 Management of Elemental Mercury and Dental Amalgam use at the dental facility. The records required under subparagraphs 374- Waste 4.2(d)(1)(ii through iv) of this subdivision must be maintained for a mini-
Practice of dentistry means the practice of dentistry as defined in W. Va. Code §30-4-23.
Practice of dentistry means any activity as described in North Carolina General Statutes Sec. 90-29(b)(1) through (13). * This is an example management services agreement that the Dental Board has reviewed and deemed compliant with the Dental Laws, as defined herein. Other agreements, or variations of provisions herein, also may be compliant. However, if provisions of this example agreement are excerpted and incorporated in an agreement with provisions that are not compliant, then that agreement may not comply with the Dental Laws. Revised May 2020.
Practice of dentistry means that the applicant has actively engaged in clinical patient contact for at least an average of twenty (20) hours per week for five (5) years. A maximum of two (2) years of the five (5) year require- ment may have been in postdoctoral training in a program approved by the board. (State Board of Dentistry; 828 IAC 1-3-2; filed Apr 19, 1991, 3:00 p.m.: 14 IR 1728; readopted filed Apr 11, 2001, 3:21 p.m.: 24 IR 2896; filed Sep 27, 2002, 2:38 p.m.: 26 IR 375)