Examples of Practice of engineering in a sentence
Introduce drawing standards and use of drawing instruments.2. Introduce first angle projection.3. Practice of engineering hand sketching and introduce to computer aided drafting4.
PDH’s 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 permit 65 Ph.D. 14, 1557 plats 82, 84, 90 platted subdivisions 83 Practice of engineering 1 Practice of land surveying 3, 48 preliminary 89, 93, 95, 109 prima facie evidence 11, 22, 103 prime professional 96 Principal Assistant .10, 38, 42, 51, 64, 65 Principles and Practice of Engineering ................................14, 21, 54, 55, 66 Principles and Practice of Surveying .
Practice of engineering demands a good level of intelligence, creative thinking, ability to identify, define and analyse problems and work out their solutions.
Information concerning the loca- tion and dates for meetings and examinations may be obtained from the board’s office.1.1(3) Practice of engineering.
No. 1176 * HR40 / R1405 * 07/HR40/R1405 ST: Practice of engineering; revise definition.