Examples of precautionary principle in a sentence
Where there is a lack of information upon which to base decisions about access to and use of natural resources the Precautionary Principle will prevail.
The Precautionary Principle will be the guiding principle of such programs and protocols.
Baffinland agrees that the Precautionary Principle will underlie all decisions related to adaptive management, and QIA agrees that its support for the Project is based on this precautionary approach to adaptive management.
In making decisions which affect occupational health and safety, the employer will use, as its guiding principle, the Precautionary Principle that reasonable efforts to reduce risk need not await scientific certainty.
Precautionary Adopts the Precautionary Principle to ensure environmental change is tracked relative to “limits of change” to inform the public of changes in environmental condition associated with oil sands development and to ensure ecosystem components are sustainable, ecosystems are healthy and effects to human health and well-being are avoided, minimized or reduced.