Preliminary Apportionment definition
Examples of Preliminary Apportionment in a sentence
If this request is to convert a Preliminary Apportionment to a Final Apportion- ment, enter the application number of the Preliminary Apportionment.
Upon the development of an online Application system, an Applicant may submit an Application and all supporting documents via the online Application system.(b) For purposes of Preliminary Apportionment, if the information provided in Form CSFA 03-01 is insufficient to allow the Authority to determine whether a Ccharter Sschool is financially sound, the Authority shall notify the Applicant, and reserves the right to request such additional information as will be necessary to make the determination.
Preliminary Apportionment Components A COS preliminary apportionment is intended to provide tfle estimated future State’s sflare for all neces- sary project costs including site acquisition, site development and supplemental allowances.
Check the box, for release of a separate site apportionment provided pursuant to Sections 1859.75.1 or 1859.81.1 or for release of Preliminary Apportionment site only acquisition pursuant to 1859.153(b) or (c).
At the April 25, 2007 SAB meeting, the regulations were revised to reflect changes to the projects upon conversion from a Preliminary Apportionment to a Final Apportionment.
The applicant will need to submit an Application for Charter School Preliminary Apportionment, Form SAB 5o-o9, and an Enrollment Certification/Projection, Form SAB 5o-o1, for tfle scflool district and all otfler supporting documents (i.e., supporting flistorical documents for allowances requested on applica- tion).
Check the appropriate box(es) if the district requests an increase in the Preliminary Apportionment for the items listed.
After the project's final costs are known, there is a public hearing at which a Preliminary Apportionment is presented and formal objections heard.
GREENE SCHOOL FACILITIES ACT OF 1998PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO REGULATION SECTIONS: 1859.2, 1859.145 and 1859.145.1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THEFOLLOWING FORM:Application for Preliminary Apportionment, Form SAB 50-08 (Revised 01/04), Referenced in Regulation Section 1859.2NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the State Allocation Board (SAB) proposes to amend the above-referenced regulation sections along with an associated form, contained in Title 2, California Code of Regulations (CCR).
As currently envisioned, the Authority will provide interim financing to schools that have been granted a Preliminary Apportionment (reservation of funds) to commence rehabilitation of existing school facilities or construction of new permanent facilities through the Charter School Facility Program (CSFP).