Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit definition
Examples of Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit in a sentence
Except in cases of Emergency Services or Urgent Care received outside of the Service Area, the difference between the non-Contracting Pharmacy’s actual charge and the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit is a non-covered service.
In all other cases, Members will be entitled to reimbursement from CareFirst or its designee for the amount up to the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit, minus any applicable Deductible, or Copayment or Coinsurance.
In all other cases, Members will be entitled to reimbursement from CareFirst BlueChoice or its designee for the amount up to the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit, minus any applicable Deductible, or Copayment or Coinsurance.
Members will be entitled to reimbursement up to the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit from CareFirst or its designee, minus any applicable Deductible, Copayment or Coinsurance.
The Member is responsible for any balances above the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit.
Members will be entitled to reimbursement from CareFirst BlueChoice or its designee up to the amount of the Prescription Drug Allowed Benefit, minus any applicable Deductible, Copayment, or Coinsurance.
Le Roy Hall Award for Teaching Excellence, Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, 2010-11.- Harold and Virginia Anderson Outstanding Teaching Professor, Northwestern University, 1999-2003.- Excellence in Teaching Award, Interfraterity Council/Panhellenic Association, Northwestern, 1997.- Hewlett Grant: “Technology: History, Society, and Economy.” Co-winner with Joel Mokyr, 1993-94.