Ex Officio Member definition
Examples of Ex Officio Member in a sentence
Also the supplementary audit of the Company for the financial year 2015-16 has been entrusted to Principal Director, Commercial Audit & Ex- Officio Member Audit Board - I.
The motion was seconded by Ex Officio Member William Bourdeau and passed unanimously.
The motion was seconded by Ex Officio Member Cannon Michael and passed unanimously.
Two (2) of the Committee members may be Chief Financial Officers of a County member of CalMHSA.The committee shall also include the President of the Board of Directors, who shall serve as a non-voting Ex Officio Member.
A Member, including an Ex Officio Member, may withdraw if the governing body of the Member gives written notice of its intent to withdraw from the Governing Board of the Commission not less than thirty days after the annual budget and dues structure is established for the following fiscal year.