Pressure relief device definition

Pressure relief device means a pressure relief valve or a rupture disk.
Pressure relief device means a device aimed to protect the container from burst which can occur in case of fire, by venting the LPG contained.
Pressure relief device means a mechanism that is installed in a natural-gas pressure vessel or integrated with a valve, that is operated by temperature, pressure, or both, and that releases the CNG in the natural-gas pressure vessel in specific emer- gency conditions. A pressure-relief device for a U.S. Depart- ment of Transportation or Canada Transport natural-gas pressure vessel also includes a mechanism capable of protect- ing a partially charged natural-gas pressure vessel.

Examples of Pressure relief device in a sentence

  • PAYSTRAX may terminate this Agreement upon 30 (thirty) days’ prior written notice to the other parties.

  • Pressure relief device specified by the manufacturer shall be shown to be compatible with the service conditions listed in paragraph 4.

  • Pressure relief device requirements Pressure relief device specified by the manufacturer shall be shown to be compatible with the service conditions listed in paragraph 4.

  • LPG retrofit equipment considered: Container Accessories fitted to the container 2/ 80 per cent stop valve Level indicator Pressure relief valve (discharge valve) Pressure relief device (fuse) Remote controlled service valve with excess flow valve With/without LPG fuel pump 2/ Multivalve, including the following accessories: ..................................................

  • The permanent deflection of the flat plates after the excess pressure has been released, shall not exceed the figures for vacuum test. Pressure relief device test: The pressure relief device shall be subject to increasing fluid pressure.

More Definitions of Pressure relief device

Pressure relief device means a type of component which is installed for safety to relieve elevated pressure within equipment, or within a conduit or duct serving equipment. Such a component is designed to release material contained within the system when the pressure within the system exceeds a set level.
Pressure relief device means a device aimed to protect the container from burst which can occur in case of fire, by venting the LPG contained;
Pressure relief device means device designed to prevent rupture of vessel or container by releasing excessive pressure build-up;
Pressure relief device means a device which prevents a pre-determined pressure from being exceeded (e.g. Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) of a component) by releasing the pressure.
Pressure relief device means a spring-loaded device which is activated automatically by pressure the purpose of which is to protect the cargo tank against unacceptable excess internal pressure;
Pressure relief device or “PRD” shall mean thief hatches and PRVs. yy. “Pressurized Liquids” shall mean pressurized Produced Oil upstream of the
Pressure relief device or “PRD” shall mean a thief hatch or a pressure relief valve (“PRV”).