Examples of Produced Oil in a sentence
As Pressurized Liquids are transferred into Storage Tanks, the pressure of the fluids decreases and vapors, which include volatile organic compounds (“VOCs”), are released or “flashed” into a gaseous state.Such vapors are known as “flash gas.” Additional vapors are released from the Produced Oil and Produced Water due to temperature fluctuations and liquid level changes.
Produced Oil and Produced Water are separated from natural gas near the well-head in a device known as a “Separator” or “Heater-Treater.” After separation in the Separator or Heater-Treater, the Produced Oil and Produced Water, also known as “Pressurized Liquids,” are emptied into Storage Tanks kept at or near atmospheric pressure.
Notably, BLM is currently undertaking federal rulemaking pertaining to Onshore Oil and Gas Order No. 9, Waste Prevention and Use of Produced Oil and Gas for Beneficial Purposes.See 43 C.F.R. § 3164.1 (authorizing the Director to issue Onshore Oil and Gas Orders to implement or supplement regulations).
BOEM Should Carefully Evaluate Potential Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts in the Programmatic EIS for this Action, Including Indirect (Downstream) Emissions from the Transportation and Combustion of the Produced Oil and Gas.
Produced Oil bubbles are attached to core surface (Chen and Mohanty, 2015).
The production flow transfers oil/gas into the Produced Oil reservoir, so we can keep track of the total amount of oil/gas produced over time.
This model has two pages of graphs to look at; the first one shows the Proven Reserves, Produced Oil, price, and production, and r (which combines price and tech slope), while the second one shows just the production.
Address system-wide inspection, response, and preventative maintenance procedures for the Vapor Control Systems, including: Weekly AVO walk-around inspection of all Vapor Control Systems and associated production equipment (i.e., Separators or Heater-Treaters) to check for VOC emissions (including while Storage Tank(s) are receiving Produced Oil from Production Operations), including checking for hissing, new stains, or other indicators of operational abnormalities.
Annual GHG Emissions from Combustion of Produced Oil and Gas 2018 Total ProductionMetric Tons CO2e/yrField OfficeOil (bbl)Gas (mcf)OilGasTotalCedar CityKanabEPA Emission factors: 0.43 metric tons CO2e/bbl, and 0.0551 metric tons CO2e/mcf.
End Use of Produced Oil and GasThe BLM does not direct or regulate the end use of produced oil and/or gas.