Primary container definition

Primary container means the immediate container in which the product water is packaged.
Primary container means any con- tainer (tin, jar, pail or other recep- tacle) in direct contact with the caviar.
Primary container means the first level of containment which comes into immediate contact on its inner surface with the hazardous substance being contained (for example, single- walled tank).

Examples of Primary container in a sentence

  • Primary container This is a required name you use to distinguish your primary container.

  • Advantages of medication diaries:• Medication diaries provide a useful 'history' of taking ARVs, and provide a place for clients to record adherence problems or side effects• Medication diaries are inexpensive to use (all PLWHA need is a notebook and a pen)• Medication diaries can be a useful way to measure adherence if they are filled in properly.

  • Dr. Kimberly McCorkle, Interim Vice Provost, presented the Academic Program Reviews for 2017- 2018 Academic Year.

  • The Primary container must be packaged in a sealed, unbreakable secondary container.

  • B Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC), Primary container label, secondary container text (carton) and Packaging leaflet 1.

More Definitions of Primary container

Primary container means any container in direct contact with the caviar.
Primary container means any con- tainer in direct contact with the cav- iar.
Primary container means the im- mediate container in which the product water is packaged.
Primary container means any container (tin, jar, pail or other receptacle) in direct contact with the caviar.* * * * *(iv) * * * In the United States, this may be done by the person who harvested the roe.(v) * * * This includes any facility where caviar is removed from the container in which it was received and placed in a different container.* * * * *
Primary container means the inner packaging or containment system that is in direct contact with, holding and securing regulated medical waste (e.g., a red bag or sharps container, etc.).
Primary container means the container in which the chemical arrives from the manufacturer. "READILY AVAILABLE" to an MSDS means access during an individual's work shift.
Primary container means a casket, rental casket, casket-vault,