Examples of Primary Market End Date in a sentence
In the event that this condition is not satisfied, the Issuer may cancel the issuance of the Securities as of the Primary Market End Date.
The Subscription Period Applications to subscribe for the Securities may be made from the Primary Market Start Date until the Primary Market End Date as described in the section titled "Country Specific Information" below.
In the Netherlands, applications to subscribe for the Securities may be made at the offices of Deutsche Bank AG, Amsterdam Branch during the period ending at 3pm (CET) on the Primary Market End Date.
Results of the Offer The results of the offer will be made available in printed form free of charge at the offices of the Deutsche Bank Luxembourg SA (acting as an Agent in Luxembourg) as soon as possible after the Primary Market End Date and shall also be published on the website of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange at www.bourse.lu, as soon as reasonably practicable after it is calculated by the Calculation Agent.
Applications to subscribe for the Securities may be made from 15 January 2007 until the Primary Market End Date as described in the section titled "Country Specific Information" below, paragraph 2.