Primary Operator definition

Primary Operator means a person who holds and actively uses a valid state or federally issued commercial fishing license.
Primary Operator. The entities designated to provide operational and fiscal oversight to the MA Disaster COVID-19 Project. The Primary Operator is the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board.
Primary Operator. The entities designated to provide operational and fiscal oversight to the OJT/NEG Project. The Primary Operators are: the Greater New Bedford Workforce Investment Board and the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County.

Examples of Primary Operator in a sentence

  • Up-to-date information will provide enrollment and termination data for the Primary Operator and the Career Center itself.

  • Upon receipt of the Employer Eligibility Checklist, the Primary Operator will have five (5) business days to determine whether the interested employer is eligible for OJT participation.

  • The Contractor shall not act in collusion with any Primary Operator officer, employee, agent, or any other party, nor make gifts regarding this Contract or any other matter in which the Primary Operator has a direct and substantial interest.

  • If any Article or provision of this Contract is declared or found to be illegal, unenforceable, or void, then both the Primary Operator and the Contractor shall be relieved of all obligations under that provision.

  • If the employer does not meet the eligibility requirements, the Primary Operator will contact the SPoC with a written explanation detailing the eligibility deficits.

More Definitions of Primary Operator

Primary Operator means a person having primary responsibility for the daily on-site operation and maintenance of an underground storage tank system.
Primary Operator means the person or persons associated with a construction activity that meets either of the following two criteria:
Primary Operator. : means the business name or person’s name that is listed on the permit as the operator.
Primary Operator. The company/individual designated by the MFLNRO as being the party responsible for the maintenance on a Forest Service Road or section thereof.
Primary Operator. The entities designated to provide operational and fiscal oversight to the JD NEG Project. The Primary Operator is the Regional Employment Board of Hampden County. “Stand-in Costs” - Costs paid from non-Federal sources which a recipient proposes to substitute or Federal costs which have been disallowed as a result of an audit or other review. “Subcontract” - Includes all contracts, agreements or purchases, including purchase orders entered into by the contractor with a third party to procure property or services under this contract. “WIOA” - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014
Primary Operator. The entities designated to provide operational and fiscal oversight to the MA Disaster Opioid NHE DWG Project. The Primary Operator is the MassHire XXXXXXXXXXXX Workforce Board. “Stand-in Costs” - Costs paid from non-Federal sources which a recipient proposes to substitute or Federal costs which have been disallowed as a result of an audit or other review. “Subcontract” - Includes all contracts, agreements or purchases, including purchase orders entered into by the contractor with a third party to procure property or services under this contract. “WIOA” - Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014.
Primary Operator means a person having primary responsibility for