Examples of Principal Members in a sentence
Quorum and votes The quorum for the transaction of business in an Advisory Committee is the simple majority of its Present members which are Principal Members.
The Board of Directors may, at any time in the course of a year, propose that the General Meeting increase or decrease the membership fees for Principal Members and Regular Members in order to maintain the financial stability and health of the Association.
They also reported the presence of two embedded sources (TC3 and TC4) in the Southwest molecular cloud.We present here a detailed study of the embedded sources reported by CL98 in the Southwest cloud, and show that they are similar to the protostellar cores found in the Orion nebula.
The Board of Directors shall call a General Meeting by its own decision and within thirty (30) days of the receipt of a request sent by electronic mail setting forth the proposed agenda signed by at least twenty percent (20%) of the Principal Members.
Quorum Fifty percent (50%) or more of the Principal Members, excluding proxies, shall be necessary for the initial establishment of the quorum for the transaction of business.