Principles of Sharia definition

Principles of Sharia means the set of the rules and principles derived from Quran, Sunnah (sayings, actions, approvals and traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Ijma’ (consensus of qualified Muslim jurists) and Qiyas (analogy and juristic inference from the Quran and Sunnah) applicable to the financial transactions and as set out in the Sharia Standards published by AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial), relevant resolutions of International Fiqh Academy and Sharia pronouncements of the Sharia Board. Sharia Board” means the fatwa and Sharia supervisory board of the Bank from time to time.
Principles of Sharia means the set of the rules and principles derived from Quran, Sunnah (sayings, actions, approvals and traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Dubai Islamic Bank Public Joint Stock Company, licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of the UAEIjma’ (consensus of qualified Muslim jurists) and Qiyas (analogy and juristic inference from the Quran and Sunnah) applicable to the financial transactions and as set out in the Sharia Standards published by AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial), and pronouncements of the Internal Sharia Supervision Committee of the Bank.
Principles of Sharia means the set of the rules and principles derived from Quran, Sunnah (sayings, actions, approvals and traditions of Prophet Xxxxxxxx PBUH) Ijma’ (consensus of qualified Muslim jurists) and Qiyas (analogy and juristic inference from the Quran and Sunnah) applicable to the financial transactions and as set out in the Sharia Standards published by AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial), relevant resolutions of International Fiqh Academy and Sharia pronouncements of the Sharia Board.

Examples of Principles of Sharia in a sentence

  • The Customer undertakes to adhere to and comply with the Principles of Sharia at all times during the term of the Agreement.

  • The Customer wishes to appoint the Bank to act as his agent and to invest the Customer’s funds in the Wakala Pool on an unrestricted Wakala basis in accordance to the Principles of Sharia and the Bank is willing to accept such appointment on the terms of the Wakala Deposit Form and these Terms & Conditions (which shall be read and construed together and shall together constitute the “Agreement”).

  • Principles of Sharia (Islamic law) inform the civil, commercial, and criminal codes.

  • Principles of Sharia Law as a Determinative Legal Framework: iii.

  • In order to make provisions on the provisions of SKMHT and APHT in accordance with Sharia Principles, Principles of Sharia Economics and Principles of Sharia Banking.

  • The Wakil shall be obliged to safe-keep the Gold until the Wakala Period in safe custody on trust basis using the Custodian in accordance with the Principles of Sharia with due tagging and identification of the Gold so that the Gold is not mixed with the inventory of gold already with the Custodian (the “Custody”).

  • The Wakil shall be obliged to make the purchase of the Gold, for and on behalf of the Muwakkil by using the Delegate in accordance with the Principles of Sharia upon ensuring that the Seller of the Gold owns and possesses the subject Gold prior to the purchase by the Delegate as the case may apply (the “Purchase”).

  • Notary and PPAT in making and signing Akad Qardh and Accesoir to abide by and comply with Sharia Principles and Principles of Sharia Banking.

  • Paragraph (2) The phrase "may be traded provided that in accordance with the Principles of Sharia" means a contract which is used as the basis for the issuance of Islamic Sharia may be traded by referring to the fatwa of the National Sharia Board of the Indonesia Ulema Council.

  • Article 53 The implementing provisions of Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 8/21/PBI/2006 concerning Asset Quality Rating for Commercial Banks which Conduct Business Based on the Principles of Sharia as last amended by Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 10/24/PBI/2008 shall remain applicable provided that the provisions do not contravene this Bank Indonesia Regulation.

More Definitions of Principles of Sharia

Principles of Sharia or “Sharia” means the principles of Sharia set out in the holy Quran and as per the Sunnah (traditions) of Prophet Xxxxxxxx (pbuh). Where interpretations of the AAOIFI and the IFA using the afore-stated exist, such interpretations shall be used as guidance.
Principles of Sharia means the set of the rules and principles derived from Quran, Sunnah (sayings, actions, approvals and traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH) Ijma’ (consensus of qualified Muslim jurists) and Qiyas (analogy and juristic inference from the Quran and Sunnah) applicable to the financial transactions and as set out in the Sharia Standards published by AAOIFI (Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial), relevant resolutions of InternationalديDŽي يذلا يرامثتسلاا حبرلا Ǣلبم نيعي "›ا›لأا DŽǧاح"هعفد متي يذلاو رامثتسلال عقوتلما حبرلا نع.رامثتسلال ءادأ DŽفاحك كنبلل ةاقتسلما ئدابلماو ماكحلأا ¸وممج نيعت "ةعيرشلا ¥›ابم"رارقلإاو ةيلعفلاو ةيلوقلا) ةنسلاو نآرقلا نم هيلع dا ىلص dا لوسر نع ةرداǐلا فرعلاو سايقلاو (نيŐتعلما ةملأا ءاملعل) ¸اŦلإاو (ملسو (ةنسلاو §اتكلا ىلع ًاسايق ءاملعلا للادتساب) يرياعلما في درو امكو ةيلالما تلاماعلما ىلع ةقبطلماوةعƳارلماو ةبسا’ا ةƠيه نع ةرداǐلا ةيعرشلا ءاȀقف عممج Ãواتفو ةيملاسلإا ةيلالما تاسسjملل
Principles of Sharia means the Injunctions of Islam, as revealed by the Quran, the Hadith, the directions of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), the Ijma (being the unanimity of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)’s disciples on a certain issue), Qiyas (drawing analogy from the essence of divine principles) and such secondary sources as the foregoing may allow and as interpreted by the Sharia Board;
Principles of Sharia means the set of the rules and principles derived from Quran, Sunnah (sayings, actions, approvals and

Related to Principles of Sharia

  • the data protection principles means the principles set out in Part I of Schedule 1 to that Act, as read subject to Part II of that Schedule and to section 27(1) of that Act;

  • Privacy Shield Principles means the Privacy Shield Principles (as supplemented by the Supplemental Principles) contained in Annex II to the European Commission Decision C(2016)4176 of 12 July 2016 (as may be amended, superseded or replaced).

  • Commonwealth Standard Grant Conditions means this document.

  • Agreement Accounting Principles means generally accepted accounting principles as in effect from time to time, applied in a manner consistent with those used in preparing the financial statements referred to in Section 5.5.

  • Corporations Law means the Corporations Law of the Commonwealth of Australia as applying in each State and Territory of Australia;

  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles means generally accepted accounting principles, being those principles of accounting set forth in pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants or which have other substantial authoritative support and are applicable in the circumstances as of the date of a report.

  • UK generally accepted accounting principles and practices means the principles and practices prevailing from time to time in the United Kingdom which are generally regarded as permissible or legitimate by the accountancy profession irrespective of the degree of use.

  • AT&T NORTH CAROLINA means the AT&T owned ILEC doing business in North Carolina.

  • Paris Convention means the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20, 1883, as last revised;

  • resident of a Contracting State means any person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or any other criterion of a similar nature. But this term does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital situated therein.

  • Accounting Principles means the international financial reporting standards (IFRS) within the meaning of Regulation 1606/2002/EC (or as otherwise adopted or amended from time to time).

  • International Accounting Standards means the accounting standards approved by the International Accounting Standards Board from time to time.

  • Applicable Accounting Principles means, with respect to the Borrower, those accounting principles required by the ICA and prescribed by the SEC for the Borrower and, to the extent not so required or prescribed, GAAP.

  • Code of Practice means the code of practice for protecting the interests of users of railway passenger services or station services who have disabilities, as prepared, revised from time to time and published by the Secretary of State pursuant to Section 71B of the Act;

  • Geneva Convention means the Convention of 28 July 1951 relating to the status of refugees, as amended by the New York Protocol of 31 January 1967;

  • Rules of order and procedure means a set of rules that govern and prescribe in a public meeting: