Private Circuit definition
Examples of Private Circuit in a sentence
This section is applicable to the provisioning of a new Private Circuit, and the upgrading or the moving of an existing Private Circuit.
The Customer undertakes to make space available for Sure at the Customer's Premises at the point where the Private Circuit is to be connected and or terminated to enable Sure to install the equipment and the entire infrastructure necessary for the implementation of a Private Circuit.
Sure shall transmit to the Customer the following information via telephone: Trouble Ticket number; Sure Circuit Identification Number; Time at which Private Circuit was returned to service; Cause of the trouble; and Party responsible for the trouble.
In the case of the degradation of the quality of service (i.e. error bits, clock-problems, incorrect signal-level, etc.) of a Private Circuit, the Customer will allow Sure to cut the Private Circuit to perform measurements as required.
The Corporation, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for submission of quotations but bidder’s first submission of tender shall be final proposal.