Examples of Private insurers in a sentence
Private insurers want healthy insureds and try to protect themselves against unhealthy entrants through medical underwriting, especially in the individual market.
Private insurers providing standardized Medigap plans agree to accept a notice of Medicare payment as a claim for the payment of benefits under the Medigap plan, unless the Medigap policy itself has a deductible that has not yet been met (e.g., high deductible Plan F).
Private insurers pay hospitals based on either DRGs, per diems, or discounts negotiated off list charges.
Private insurers cur- rently participating in the Write-Your-Own Program would add a menu of multiyear contracts to the menu of one-year contracts they currently offer on behalf of the federal government.
Private insurers were a third stakeholder influencing the final LCA design.
Private insurers must perceive benefits to the partnership, government actors must be motivated to protect the government’s financial stake, and government interests must align with those of consumers.
Private insurers may also be able to offer premiums more closely tied to individual risks than the NFIP currently does, which would provide lower premiums for some policyholders.
Private insurers that want to sell, and mortgage investors, lenders, and servicers that want to accept, private flood insurance are faced with the difficulty of determining whether a private policy meets the Biggert-Waters definition.
Private insurers can enter county-level markets by offering a variety of plans, and an insurer can selectively introduce a Medicare Advantage plan to certain counties and not to others.
Private insurers are often faced with significant adverse selection problems and high transaction costs, rendering their contracts prohibitively expensive to many.