Private Session definition
Examples of Private Session in a sentence
At 4:40 p.m., on a motion by Trustee Harrison, seconded by Trustee Rutka, the regular meeting resolved into Committee of the Whole (Private Session) to consider matters on the private agenda of the Committee of the Whole.
M: S:JB JP NA LS DC AW DB Private Session Agenda The Regular Session of the Board of Education was recalled at .
The Meeting resumed at 2.00 pm, in Private Session, the President in the Chair.
Put the gasket and/or washer on the element.Step #7 - Screw the element clockwise into the tank, and tighten with the 1 1/2” socket wrench or element tool.
Now, Therefore Be it Resolved, that the Hasbrouck Heights Board of Education adjourn to Private Session for the purpose of discussing such matters, and Be it Further Resolved, that the public be informed of these matters as soon as the need to Remain confidential is no longer necessary at a future date to be determined.