Private sewer lateral definition

Private sewer lateral means a privately owned, legally authorized utility line that transports
Private sewer lateral means a privately owned, legally authorized utility line that transports wastewater from one or more buildings to a sewer system utility line owned by a sewer system operator.
Private sewer lateral means a privately owned, legally authorized utility line that transports wastewater from one or more buildings to a sewer system utility line owned by a sewer system operator. "Private water lateral" means a privately owned, legally authorized utility line that supplies water from a water system utility line owned by a water system operator to one or more buildings or

Examples of Private sewer lateral in a sentence

  • Private sewer lateral ordinances are a means of improving a sewage collection system.

  • Private sewer lateral connection to main shall be made through the use of a wye in conformance with City Standard Drawing No. 305.

  • Private sewer lateral shall be installed into manholes where possible.

  • Minimum Slope - Private sewer lateral - The minimum slope for four (4) inch diameter private sewer lateral shall be 2.0 feet per 100 feet (2.0%) unless otherwise approved by the District.

  • Location plans are required when a new Private sewer lateral is to be installed, and when an existing Private sewer lateral is to be replaced or repaired and at any other time when specifically required by the District.

More Definitions of Private sewer lateral

Private sewer lateral also means the “side sewer” per District code 2.05.190 and includes that part of the sewer piping that extends from the end of the building drain, as defined by the Uniform Plumbing Code, from two feet outside the outer foundation wall of the structure to the first encountered publicly owned sewer pipe, including the connection.
Private sewer lateral means that portion of a private property’s building sewer as defined by the plumbing code, and is further defined as the piping of a drainage system that extends from the end of the building drain to the public sewer which includes the connection to the public sewer.
Private sewer lateral means the underground pipe or any works on private property connecting an existing building or proposed building on private property to the Sewer Service Pipe at the property line.
Private sewer lateral means the privately owned underground pipe connecting a building to the sewer service pipe at the property line.
Private sewer lateral means that part of the sewer piping that extends from the end of a building drain to the first-encountered publicly-owned sanitary sewer pipe.
Private sewer lateral means a pipe or pipes and appurtenances that carries sewage and liquid waste from the Structure(s) served, whether the Structure(s) is or are publicly or privately owned, to the Sewer Main. The Private Sewer Lateral includes the Upper Sewer Lateral. The Private Sewer Lateral of a given parcel includes the Lower Sewer Lateral only if applicable Local Ordinance Requirements require the Property Owner to obtain a Compliance Certificate for the Lower Sewer Lateral. A Private Sewer Lateral is associated with a parcel if it, or any portion of it, is located upon the parcel or conveys sewage and liquid waste from any Structure located on that parcel. More than one Private Sewer Lateral may be associated with an individual parcel.
Private sewer lateral means the pipes and appurtenances, including the inspection tee, providing a connection to the Sewer Works located between the property line, or the inspection tee, and one (1.0) metre from the outer face of the building foundation; or between the property line and a private sewage collection system.