Private well definition
Examples of Private well in a sentence
NR 811.10 Private well abandonment ordinance.NR 811.11 Other requirements.
Private well water supplies can pose a risk to health unless the well is properly built, protected, maintained and, if necessary, treated.
Guideline Private well protectionThe Suffolk County Department of Health Services' guidelines for private wells should be used for wellhead protection.
Private well agreements need to be reviewed to determine whether the well is on the subject property or the rights to the well will be transferred with the title to the property.
Private well regulations are under the jurisdic- tion of Connecticut's local health departments.They should be contacted with any private well questions.Additional informa- tion may also be obtained by contacting the Department of Public Health's (DPH) Drinking Water Division (DWD) at (860) 509-7333 or by accessing the DWD's website.