Procurement Area definition
Examples of Procurement Area in a sentence
As set out at paragraph 6.5 the LAA will check its own records to confirm that the Applicant’s nominated Office is in the corresponding Procurement Area and has authorisation in the Housing and Debt Categories of Law.
Implementation would not take place until the next Parliament and there were debates to be had before that time.
The LAA will give preference to those organisations who hold a 2018 Standard Civil Contract with Schedule authorisation to conduct Housing and Debt Contract Work in the corresponding Housing and Debt Procurement Area.
A procurement process for the award of an Indefinite Quantity Contract (IQC) may be initiated by any User Area or the Procurement Area, whichever first identifies the need for such a Contract and its compliance with the applicable requirements.
Both Critical Emergency and Urgent Procurements will be conducted by the Procurement Area staff based on a priority basis.
Also, must include the date the Contracting Officer or delegated officials (Procurement Area) will hold a Pre-bid Conference.
The Procurement Area will provide a standardized orientation to the Evaluation Committee participants in every Competitive RFP/RFQ procurement process to ensure adequate and consistent methodology and parameters in each process.
Please see page 7 for further guidance on the UFN Record the Procurement Area which reflects the location set out in your Office schedule from which work undertaken.
If only one Bid is received, and it is a Responsive Bid from a Responsible Bidder, then, prior to any award; (i) a cost or price analysis must be conducted by the Procurement Area verifying the reasonableness of the price, and (ii) the PRDOH must secure HUD's written approval for competitive contract publications that receive a single solicitation.
An Applicant Organisation must employ at least one full time equivalent (FTE) Supervisor within the organisation and there must be at least one FTE Supervisor for every four FTE caseworkers in each Procurement Area.