Examples of Producer Tariff in a sentence
They are part of ATCO Gas’ Producer Tariff and as such must be approved by the Commission.
Yes No Length of contract term and option under the Cogeneration & Small Power Producer Tariff: Term (Select One): Variable 5-year fixed 10-year fixed 15-year fixed Option (Select One): Option A Option B Interconnection of the Generating Facility is approved contingent upon the Terms and Conditions for Interconnecting a Certified Inverter-Based Generating Facility No Larger than 10 kW and return of the Certificate of Completion.
Systems must comply with all requirements of the current Net Metering Tariff or Small Power Producer Tariff.
Producers that have connections to the high voltage grids or have a generation capacity of more than 150 MW have to pay the National Uniform Producer Tariff (LUP), which account for the 25% of the sum of the total transmission dependent costs of these grids.Consumers bear the rest of these high voltage grids and the costs of the lower voltage grids.
Exhibit F attached to this filing demonstrates the calculation of the CIAC for a representative RNG Production interconnection.Other Charges Applicable to the RNG Producer Tariff The Company omitted the Conservation Cost Recovery Charge (“CCRC”) from the delivery charge for the RNG Interconnect Service Tariff.