Examples of Product A in a sentence
Contaminated Product: A product that contains a Prohibited Substance that is not disclosed on the product label or in information available in a reasonable Internet search.
A FSC with a taxable year end- ing April 30, 1986, solicits customer X during that taxable year with respect to Product A.
Thus this product will be analyzed as a test case.For the base stock calculations, the same information as for the Product A products is obtained.
The distinction in products is based on different sizes and different way of packaging.Table 1 Pull Product A products Pullpilot items line X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 In order to implement the pull project, an electronic Kanban system was used in the pilot for several different packaging of Product A.
The collaboration between Mars and Jumbo can be viewed beyond the Product A products, thus the products that are not within the pull project.