Examples of Professional and Personal Services in a sentence
All firms submitting qualifications and/or proposals agree to employ “good faith efforts” towards achieving these goals and supply other information as requested in the “M/WBE Professional and Personal Services Forms” included in AppendixB.
Service Level Agreement included in bid response on page .The winning Vendor is required to complete a Professional and Personal Services Agreement and Independent Contractor Status Determination and Documentation Form for the services included in this RFP prior to a Purchase Order being issued.
The steps described below are materialized in the investment process by filters restricting the investment universe of the funds:- EXCLUSION FILTER: ESG research on sector exclusions has an impact on the portfolio construction of all funds managed ([ POSITIVE IMPACT ] + [ MAJOR ] + [ AGENOR ] + [ CREDIT ] + [ ESG INTEGRATION]).La Financière de l’Echiquier systematically excludes from its entire range any company that derives more than 5% of its turnover from the production of tobacco and thermal coal.
Notice of guaranteed pricing included in bid response on page .The University requires one point of contact for management of the implementation and services of this purchase contract.The winning Vendor may be required to complete a Professional and Personal Services Agreement and Independent Contractor Status Determination and Documentation Form for the services included in this RFB prior to a Purchase Order being issued.
The former San Francisco Redevelopment Agency’s Small Business Enterprise (“SBE”) Program is applicable to the Project with a 50% SBE participation goal (Professional and Personal Services Contracting and Construction Contracting) and a Construction Workforce goal of 50% for local San Francisco residents.
The OCII Small Business Enterprise (“SBE”) Policy (Exhibit F) is applicable to the Project with a 50% SBE participation goal (Professional and Personal Services Contracting) and a trainee hiring goal for design professionals with contracts greater than $100,000.
The Selection Evaluation Committee will evaluate, grade, and rank Responses based on the following technical criteria according to the principles of the Sewerage and Water Board's Professional and Personal Services Procurement Policy Memorandum No. 95.
The SWBNO must establish a Selection Committee with relevant subject-matter expertise to review and evaluate Responses to the RFP in accordance with the Sewerage and Water Board’s Professional and Personal Services Procurement Policy Memorandum No. 95.
Section I (Solicitation) and Section II (Services) of the City’s Standard Terms and Conditions form are typically used for solicitations of Professional and Personal Services unless otherwise authorized by Purchasing.
Professional and Personal Services are exempt from competitive bidding and, in most cases, will be obtained through Requests for Proposals or Requests for Qualifications.