Examples of Program Accounts in a sentence
Availability of funds for facilitiesFor fiscal year 2009 and thereafter, the Science and Technology, Environmental Programs and Management, Office of Inspector General, Haz- ardous Substance Superfund, and Leaking Un- derground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program Accounts, are available for the construction, al- teration, repair, rehabilitation, and renovation of facilities provided that the cost does not ex- ceed $85,000 per project.(Pub.
References to the RIA shall include any affiliated Introducing Firm, with respect to the services provided to Advisory Program Accounts hereunder.
WFA will enter into agreements with sub- advisors from time to time under which the sub-advisors agree to manage, or provide model portfolios that WFA relies on to manage, the Advisory Program Accounts.
You understand and agree that this creates a conflict of interest because the amount of Platform Support attributable to mutual fund holdings in your Advisory Program Accounts will be used for the benefit of other client accounts that are charged the platform fee.
The mutual fund holdings in your Advisory Program Accounts will generate Platform Support, but because your Advisory Program Accounts are not charged the additional platform fee, you will not receive the credit.