Program Currency definition
Examples of Program Currency in a sentence
The Program shall apply only to those Cards issued by Visa, MasterCard or under the brands of such other Card Associations included within the DCC program that are billed to the Foreign Cardholder in a Program Currency.
In case the Reporting Currency is not defined, the selected Program Currency will be applied as Reporting Currency.
The Bank and Planet Payment reserve the right to add, remove or suspend any Program Currency from the DCC Program at any time without notice to the Merchant.
If you select a Program Currency or Reporting Currency other than your home currency, the performance shown in your account statements may not reflect the actual performance of your account due to changing currency rates.
Elimination of current Emergency Management Coordination Program; Currency of Hazard Mitigation Plan, Emergency Operation Plan, Approved Disaster Debris Removal Contract, and NIMS training/record keeping is required for FEMA reimbursement approval during natural disaster.
You are aware that the portfolio performance, which is based on the Program Currency, may significantly deviate from the performance shown in the Reporting Currency due to exchange rate fluctuations.
A Foreign Transaction chargeback will be made by the relevant Card Association in the Program Currency and converted to Malaysian Ringgit at the Card Association’s exchange rate.
The performance of your portfolio as measured by the Program Currency (the currency which represents your largest allocation and exposure), may significantly deviate from the performance shown in the Reporting Currency due to exchange rate fluctuations.
The Program shall apply only to those Cards issued by Visa, MasterCard or under the brands of such other card associations included within the Program that are billed to the Foreign Cardholder in a Program Currency.
Currency Australian Dollar Danish Krone $ CostDefined Benefit 529 Program Currency Forwards Pursuant to its investment agreement, PGIM Fixed Income may invest in derivative instruments for hedging, duration and cash management.