Project Revenue Account definition
Examples of Project Revenue Account in a sentence
Revenues remaining in the Project Revenue Account at the end of any fiscal year after all periodic transfers have been made therefrom as above required, shall be deemed to be surplus and shall be transferred to the Project Surplus Account.
Moneys from the Project Revenue Account shall be transferred periodically into separate funds and accounts as provided below.
Out of the revenues of the Project Revenue Account there shall be set aside each month into the General Depreciation Account an amount determined by the Common Council to be a proper and adequate amount for repair and depreciation of the Project.
Out of the revenues in the Project Revenue Account, there shall be set aside no later than the 25th day of each month into the account designated Project Debt Service Account, a sum sufficient to provide for the payment as the same become due of the next maturing principal of, interest and Administrative Surcharge on the Revenue Bonds and any reserve determined by the City’s governing body to be necessary.
There shall be deposited periodically into the Project Revenue Account the net revenues as defined in Section 17 of the Act derived from the operation of the Project collected pursuant to the resolutions and ordinances of the City of Salem, South Dakota (collectively the “Rate Resolution”).