Examples of Projected flows in a sentence
Projected flows based on land use incorporated in the City of Oakley’s General Plan and Contra Costa County planning data for Bethel Island and other unincorporated areas within the District’s boundaries are shown below in Table 9.5 below:Table 9.5 Ironhouse Sanitary DistrictProjected Flows to IWWTP (mgd)DescriptionSource: 2005 Wastewater Facilities Plan Update The current IWWTP provides secondary treatment using two stage aerated ponds.
WSSC has determined through its sewer modeling that that 17,000 feet of sewer in the Paint Branch basin within Montgomery County will have capacity constraints under projected future wet weather flow conditions.⮚ Seneca Service Area: - Projected flows based on forecasted population and other flow factors for the Seneca Service Area have been developed by the WSSC and are based on Round 8.1 Cooperative demographic forecasts.
Projected flows are estimated to increase 0.596 mgd per year (average from 1994-2007).
Projected flows to be correlated to the population and land use projected timeline and will used to evaluate system deficiencies.
Projected flows for 2018 for the A92 were estimated at 21,400 AADT (low growth) to 24,500 AADT (high growth), which are both within the capacity range of between 11,000 to 30,000 AADT for a dual carriageway all-purpose road.
WWTP dissolved phosphorus at 0.2 mg/l and benthal release of phosphorus at 10% of existing flux rate.2. Projected flows – In two scenarios, effluent dissolved phosphorus concentrations at the four treatment plants were reduced concurrently with reductions in the benthal release of phosphorus.
Sponsorship Evaluation1) All sponsorship agreements will be evaluated at the end of the agreement and prior to renewal of any new agreement.
Projected flows should complement point-in-time information such as net economic resources.
Projected flows for non-residential users shall be determined by the Township Engineer pursuant to the current version of N.J.A.C. 7:14A-23, “Technical Requirements for Treatment Works Applications”, whenever practicable, plus ten percent (10%) for consumptive use.
Projected flows information should also help users understand the long-term sustainability of services being provided and inform decisions about future resource needs.